Saturday, April 14, 2007

A few words of explanation

You know, wifey and I just wanted to blog more about a certain selection of twits; we thought it'd be a fine way to de-stress and what better way than to take it out on idiots who mar the English language?

But, nay, we're now being accused by the sister of being part of some elaborate scheme to allow our blog to become a portal of hatred towards Emily.


Ok, firstly, I sincerely apologise for whatever distress that has come upon Emily, or should we call her Aziati, now. (The name Aziati is very nice, btw.)
We.. No, I never thought that it'd come to something like this; please believe that we never had any intention of bringing heartache to her. (for god's sake, we're her fans lah… wth.) Things got way out of hand when some of her haters blatantly assumed her to be us/me (or whatever) and started the whole bashing thing.

[FYI, the unstated theory I made in the beginning was that her haters read her blog religiously ala psycho stalker style. This was proven true by the hate tags in the tag board there. :)
None of you got my theory right. =))]

Let me reiterate again, you STUPID FUCKHEADS-

#1- Emily and her sis write way fucking differently from me and my girl.
#2- If you have a fucking problem with Emily, go create your own hate blog. Just don't cry foul when no one visits it. We obviously pwn you losers. :)
#3- This blog wasn't meant to be a "all-hail-Emily" site; if you bloody twat heads bothered to notice and comprehend the meaning behind the oh-so-simple blog name, you'd realise that we bash STUPID TWATS WHO WRITE WITH BOMBASTIC ENGLISH WORDS (and) those dumb kids who wriitee lykk thiis.
#4- Why do we do that? Because it irks us. Just like Emily irks you, I didn't go to their blogs to verbally abuse them, or their families, unlike some sorry specimens of twats some of you are, e.g.- " :D / :) " We had the brains to express our discontent on this blog/site. Then again, judging from your choice of tag handle, whoever you are, it pretty much reflects how much grey matter you possess, which is, sadly, nil. :)
#5- Yes, we still hate those stupid kids who wriiiitteee lyykkk thiiiis w000rrs. You have a problem with that? Go create your OWN bash blog too. Be my bloody guest. Again, don't come crying bloody murder when no one supports your pro-twit/twat stand.

All that said, To Lin, I do read your blog too, and enjoy your posts, but that's not the point; it's very sad that you'd think so lowly of us when our intentions were nowhere near malicious towards your sister.

Again, I and the Prof apologise very sincerely for causing you and Aziati distress. Emily, I do hope you make your blog public again… I really miss reading your posts, and I'm sure the missus does too, and so do your other tons of fans.

Yours Sincerely,

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