Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Theory of twatty relativity. Twat = Idiot x Imbecile squared

Oooh. It seems the first two twats who have made it into the (dis)honorable Roll of Infamy have gone all ballistic over my little 'tribute' to them.


Well, that keeps me happy a little. Turns out my theory was right.

Oh, twats, don't bother with trying to figure out what theory, you will never get it anyway. XD

You know, the both of you should be bloody proud. You both take the first two spots on the Roll
of Infamy, and I can tell you that in the whole history of Twatism, you are

But, please don't let this little perk get to your heads. This blog isn't just about the both of you, its focussed on IDIOTS who WRITE like YOU. I don't personally know any of the people I've mentioned on this site (including Emily, I'm just a regular reader of her blog and one of her biggest fans); I just have a huge problem with a twat's fucking way of writing. Sorry, but if I offended you, you should care to know that you bunch of twerps offended me in the first place with that horrible writing of yours.

Let me be clear first that I don't have anything personal against your kind of people; i.e. the excessive cam whoring, depressingly despressing emo make up and yada yada yada (though I can't say I won't occasionally make scant references to those attributes, meh.) I just have a damned fucking problem with you bunch of bloody fakes that it drives me crazy reading your shit.


And, please don't call me a bitch. Don't fucking assume a person whose name is Marrion is necessairily a GIRL, fuckheads.

-rolls eyes-

PS: Feel free to spam twit/twatty blogs on the tagboard. Have fun people!


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